Assalamu'alaikum everyone,
I come back after a very long long time. Almost one year from my last post. After I came back from Umrah last year, I feel very hard to update blog. So, this blog was like spiderman's house... 😄
Sometimes I did 'visit' this blog and I noticed so many enquiries about Padang's contact number. For those who commented & emailed me regarding the contact number, I would like to apologize for any delay or missed to reply. Sorry for any inconvenience caused.
So... I think the first thing I should do is to share the information in this blog since I don't really have time to reply via email or comment... I hope it will help all my blog visitors in future...
I will post the info in my next entry soonest...
Then... I think I wanna restart blogging... Hopefully... In syaa Allah...